Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Think of the melted face guy at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark

I write this in memory of the innumerable brain cells that were lost this morning when I opened the incubator, stuck my head in and was physically assaulted by a wave of incubated formaldehyde.
Afterwards, when I was done clawing at my face and writhing around in agony and could see properly, I went to check my email and found one waiting patiently, sent last night, from my boss. It said, more or less: I hope you know how dangerous it could be to open the incubator after formaldehyde has been sitting in there overnight. Maybe wear a mask and be careful.
My reply: No harm done! Liejrlkse jiej!?! Makin science now, face on fire. –Chnicken spotpie!
The dumbest part of this whole thing is that I kind of want to open it again to see if it was really that bad or if my eyes, nose and throat were just being pansy. I mean, I won’t, obviously.

Disclaimer: I didn’t send the reply. My boss came into the lab to see if I had heeded his warning and apparently my bloodshot eyes and tear-streaked face did all the answering. Additionally, the clawing and writhing is what I assume happened. I don't really remember what I did and there was no audience to corroborate. I mainly just remember running away with my face melting.

1 comment:

Rachelle Hamilton said...

I was having kind of a crumby day and decided to check blogs for a half second and was so happy find that your updated. Pretty much aside from the fact that you were in pain, this was one of the funniest things I have read in a while and I literally laughed out loud. I am so sorry that it was at your expense, but that was a great pick-me-up. Thanks for sharing especially in your very humorous way.