Monday, August 2, 2010

We spent the drive home going mad in the heat and dancing in the seats

This is the first day in over a week that I’ve not been served a sit-down breakfast or been outside for the majority of the day. Instead, I’m expected to work? LAME.
I spent the past week visiting the following places:

  • The parental resort, where I go to yoga in the mornings and have* a luxury black car to drive, instead of my own, and where there is wireless internet and my favorite bookstore within reach. All of this and more, located in a city I much prefer to the one I’m currently in.
  • The Katy Trail, where thunderstorms sneak up and cause for long snack/water breaks in Clifton City, and where hotels are more awesome and bike gloves are necessary. Also involved: trains, bikes and small towns.
  • The Magical Forest around Jeremy’s grandparents’ house. This included such amenities as a fake Jeep (a Mule, as it were, which is like a glorified ATV), bows and arrows, fishing, hiking and delicious foods. GALORE.
I made it to lunchtime today at work before checking back out, mentally. I think the lack of intention behind said checking out should be perfectly acceptable grounds for leaving early.

*I enjoy commandeering my mom’s car, which is by no means a Mom Car, and is quite awesome to drive

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