Monday, February 23, 2009

About the Author

Yes, yes. I still have too much time on my hands. Big surprise. The job search is frustrating. The class is at a lull (though about to pick up). The life otherwise contains not enough productivity.
There's been a current moving through the internet (mainly on Facebook), and OF COURSE I told myself I wouldn't join in, but OF COURSE I sat down and typed out a list despite the lie I told myself. Anyway, you are supposed to write 25 things about yourself. I did, and now that I have it, it seems a little presumptuous of me to assume anyone would want to read 25 things about me. But here it is, anyway. I spent the time typing it, so now it must be shared, I guess.

25 Brief Facts

1. My favorite ice creams are coffee, coconut, and chocolate chip. In that order.

2. I keep riding my bike places and then catching rides home, which is inconvenient, come the next time I need to ride my bike somewhere and it is neatly locked up wherever I last left it.

3. I wish it were raining.

4. Looking at me, you would assume I am the sort that loves baking or reading (which I truly do). But I love, love running. I recently discovered how fantastic it is to keep running after the customary two-mile loop. I love the pain and accomplishment (however transient) associated with running long distances. I love how consuming it is.

5. One of my main aspirations in life is to have a garden and make my own clothes.

6. I buy soy milk instead of regular milk. I hadn't put much thought into it at all. But since I've been doing this for so long, every time I drink regular milk now, it's really shockingly weird.

7. I love costume parties, but only when everyone is participating.

8. Despite the pretenses under which I may operate, I do know exactly what I want to do with my life. The trouble is, there are just too many things I know I want to do.

9. I can’t multitask, apparently. I’ve verified this on several occasions. Very recently I drove erratically while trying to air drum to a song playing on my iPod. I was including an air base drum, thus making my pedal foot more active than a normal driver’s pedal foot should be.

10. I can’t figure out how to get my nose ring out. Not that I want it gone, I just want to change it.

11. I know it is cliché and 90s: I love pizza. I had tofu pizza Saturday night, vegetable pizza for Sunday lunch, Greek pizza for Sunday dinner, and leftover tofu pizza for lunch today. That is four meals in a row. I love it.

12. Honestly, I think my love for camping is part of the reason why I prefer to keep my mattress on the floor instead of on a frame, like normal folk.

13. Spring is by far my least favorite season.

14. Listening to music can be (and often is) a visceral experience, I think. Iron & Wine and Nickel Creek are two of the greatest. And Sufjan Stevens.

15. At least 60% of my mental activity is devoted to over-analysis. At least 20% of that goes to over-analysis of hypothetical situations.

16. I keep a permanent file of the best quotes I’ve personally heard (not like.. from books or famous individuals; from real life). Unfortunately, the record is not exhaustive and I deeply regret this. But it remains one of my most important documents.

17. I secretly hope that when we all die, regardless of what happens, we are issued a Complete Series DVD of our life, complete with deleted scenes, alternate endings and special features.

18. I really quite like the Episcopal church that I usually attend.

19. I collect things, kind of like the guy in Everything is Illuminated collects things. My collection is far less interesting and meaningful, though. This tendency of mine, to keep plane ticket stubs and things of that nature, makes me fear that I will someday have a house full of boxes of little collections. This stresses me out.

20. It is very important for me to log my running times and distances every day. I don’t know why, because I rarely look back over them or analyze them to any extent, and I never show these numbers to anyone. But I have to do it, every day.

21. Bookstores and libraries are like sanctuaries to me.

22. Chris McCandless fascinates me. Not that I would emulate him, but he fascinates me.

23. My favorite job I’ve had (so far) is Human Anatomy lab assistant, for which all I did was one of my favorite activities (cadaver dissection).

24. When I’m bored or generally activityless, I take my pulse. I try to find it on arteries other than the carotids or radials.

25. I really, really wish my life would include some cinematic-quality scene. At least one, but preferably several. It would make it seem so much more meaningful. Watching things like Across the Universe, Moulin Rouge, and (the end of) Slumdog Millionaire, repeatedly, with wide, longing eyes only reinforces this desire.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Two posts in one week! Looks like I may have way too much time on my hands.
I just wanted to say that, after years of cringing at the mere thought of consuming chili, I've found a recipe that is not offensive in the slightest. I don't know if I should call it chili, though, considering I cut back so severely on the use of chili powder. It might have just been bean and tomato soup. Either way, it goes quite well with challah.

Ajax found it necessary to monitor my intake of said chili as part of his campaign to share (or take entirely) the bowl on the table. This campaign was unsuccessful.
I am getting ready for a day of sectioning rat brains in the lab. Last week I very painstakingly and lovingly mounted an adult brain on a little platform, then put it in the deep freeze, so it should be ready for slicing and dicing now.
Ha! And I said I would start posting about things of consequence and potentially meaning. Good one, self.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mazal Tov

I could go and list several of the activities I've done today (like can-smashing and taking out the trash and running), but I'll spare you the details and get right to the point: I am celebrating, if even for a short time. This is why:
This morning after Biochem, I trudged over to the Office of the Registrar, head hung low in acceptance of inevitable defeat. After several unsuccessful trips to said office, I wasn't optimistic about the probable outcome. I've been trying to get my diploma from them for approximately seven months now. I thought I'd go try again. I walked in, reminded them why I was there, and was immediately handed my diploma. What?
Maybe all they wanted was a little humility. Maybe they thought by holding out, they could get me to keep enrolling in classes. Regardless, I've finally officially acquired my degree. Or, the piece of paper that proves that I did, anyway. It even has the correct date on it: May 2008. Really, I am more excited and proud right now than I was during commencement. I should go put on my cap and gown again just to complete the occasion.
Now, maybe I can finally move on and make life decisions. Maybe.