Wednesday, August 31, 2011

oh come now

We all know good and well that this site isn't necessarily autobiographical. If it were, I'd have bombarded it with all kinds of things as of late, like wedding posts (oh hey, I got married), or pre-wedding posts, or maybe Chicago pictures, or some before/after shots of our house cleaning project (on a scale of zero to Hoarders... pulling it down a few notches) (actually maybe I still will do that one), or football season or friend gatherings.

But no, this site is dedicated to important things. Like this text transcript:

Jori: Teatime

Corbin: I wish I had teatime but I forgot my tea. So I just left work instead.

And this, a Jolly Good Comparison*:

Except he's sassier. And... less human body-y/god of the dead-y.

*Term copyright 2005, mine roommate of old

Friday, August 5, 2011


PAUSE. And raise your morning coffee to our near and dear Rachelle.

Of whom this is a pretty old picture, but my options were limited, considering we are both more often behind our cameras than in front of them when together. And history has kind of proven that this is for the best. Not that that's stopped us from trying. How many times did we go portrait shooting, with only one another for subject matter? I am so, so sorry, Rachelle.

To Rachelle- who deserves the grandest of grand birthdays, whose friendship I am eternally grateful for and baffled by. I hope your day is the sort that is best fit to a Goodbye, Lenin-esque soundtrack, with a few dancey pieces thrown in. I hope your year is filled with moving literature, mind-blowing works of art (that you both make and encounter), and many a fulfilling venture. And here's to many more.

(To be fair, I kind of owe a lot of tributes these days. Actually always. I could go on at length about this. Chances are, if you're reading this: I owe you dearly.)