Monday, February 16, 2009

Mazal Tov

I could go and list several of the activities I've done today (like can-smashing and taking out the trash and running), but I'll spare you the details and get right to the point: I am celebrating, if even for a short time. This is why:
This morning after Biochem, I trudged over to the Office of the Registrar, head hung low in acceptance of inevitable defeat. After several unsuccessful trips to said office, I wasn't optimistic about the probable outcome. I've been trying to get my diploma from them for approximately seven months now. I thought I'd go try again. I walked in, reminded them why I was there, and was immediately handed my diploma. What?
Maybe all they wanted was a little humility. Maybe they thought by holding out, they could get me to keep enrolling in classes. Regardless, I've finally officially acquired my degree. Or, the piece of paper that proves that I did, anyway. It even has the correct date on it: May 2008. Really, I am more excited and proud right now than I was during commencement. I should go put on my cap and gown again just to complete the occasion.
Now, maybe I can finally move on and make life decisions. Maybe.

1 comment:

Rachelle Hamilton said...

If I were you, I would wear the cap and gown all day. While running, eating, reading etc. Possibly even wear the cap like Noza (only for a brief moment though, because you don't want anyone to really think you like to wear it like that).