Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Final Days of Unemployment

I was literally in the midst of a lamenting update for this very blog last Thursday when I received the email that signaled the beginning of the end of my months-long job hunt.
Oh yes, I did finally get a job. How about it?
Anyway, in my last few days of unemployment (my start date is not yet set, though it will probably be in less than a week), I've been doing some NON-job search things I haven't been able to enjoy as much over the past few months. I've been really wanting to play around in Photoshop lately, but I've not really had any projects or much inspiration to work with. So I decided to take a lead from Learning to Love You More, a kind of community project online, and do one of their assignments. Maybe I'll eventually do more of them. I mainly just wanted something to work on, as a diversion from GRE studying (which is also my way of noting that I didn't spend a whole lot of time on this; it was mainly for fun). Also maybe later, I'll say more about the job thing (!).

Assignment 10: Make a flier of your day.