Saturday, April 30, 2011
and we'll all float on (all right)
Friday, April 29, 2011
see? i am posting twice
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
with a little help from my friends
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
don't forget to listen to music
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
- Adobe InDesign CS5 30 day free trial
- The Walking Dead: Season One
- The Walking Dead: Compendium One
- The sandwich I made for dinner (obviously)
- Weekends lately
Saturday, April 23, 2011
is it ethically wrong to do a post filled with pictures without linking their sources?

I was just going to do one of those terribly unique posts filled with a bunch of images of interiors I appreciate, for various reasons. One of which might be because I may or may not be moving in the nearish future. But I don't have the time or energy to figure out where I got these images. I just usually drag them to my DEPT OF THE INTERIOR folder and never think of them again.
Friday, April 22, 2011
New rule: The rest of my posts for the month of April must be created while I am greater than or equal to 50% awake. This one would not qualify, but luckily the rule doesn't take effect until tomorrow.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
tips and hints. from me to me.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
you can pretty much tell the exact point at which I fell asleep in the last post
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
story hour
In fifth grade we went to Exchange City. In our district, fifth graders spent several months excitedly planning for this daylong field trip. Exchange City was like a miniature indoor city, complete with courthouse and radio station, and every kid had to apply for a job in the city, and the teachers would decide which kid would do best in which job, based loosely on what positions we applied for. We had to learn how to write checks, balance our checkbook, submit resumes, make laws, vote for laws, etc.
They made me bank president.
Our first hour of the day was spent in training. The factory kids made their items to sell while their corresponding retailers learned the ropes at the registers, the bankers figured out how to process paychecks and debit card withdrawals, the law enforcement finalized the laws and punishments, the food service kids learned how to wipe tables.
Actually, writing this out makes me wonder if the whole thing was kind of a sick joke amongst the teachers and parent helpers.
Eventually the radio kicked on, and the first shift of the day started, and we had our one-day city.
I could go into detail, describing the city and commenting on a lot of aspects of this field trip. But I won’t. I’m bored with this story, a little. And my mind is wandering.
I just wanted to say that as the bank president, I worked all day. Each kid was supposed to get a break in order to go be a citizen, keep the city alive, buy stuff, break laws, etc. During my break, I went and ate my sack lunch at the restaurant (which only sold Hi-C, which really goes to show their faith in the food service kids), then went to start shopping the stores. And before I was able to purchase a single junky craft, some bank teller came and got me because there was a problem in the bank. And my break was spent sorting through pay stubs and catching up on the piled up mess from when I was at lunch.
I was one of the richest kids in the city. Literally. The bank president tied for the highest paying job. But all I bought was a cup of Hi-C. And maybe some ribbon on a stick at the end of the day. I don't remember.
I told the parent sponsor who was helping in the bank, “I have the most money but this stupid job means I don’t have time to spend it.”
And he just chuckled knowingly*. At the time I thought that was condescending and frustrating, that he didn’t get my hint (DO MY JOB FOR ME, MICHELLE’S DAD).
I'm not going to end this with some life lesson I've learned in retrospect. It's not like I now have the highest paying job and no time to revel in its benefits. And I certainly don't want to justify that condescending chuckle by ending on an OH, ADULTHOOD note. Absolutely not.
Yeah. There is no moral of the story. I was just thinking about it today. And I am literally falling asleep at the keyboard, as usual. Sorry. As usual.
*This response, in any of its forms, really REALLY grinds my gears. To this day.
Monday, April 18, 2011
stuff from tonight
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
i can't decide if this means i've failed
- Several fire pits and associated circles of conversing
- Lakes and ponds
- Driving and more driving and traffic
- Cold
- Outdoor morning coffee next to a quiet fire
- Crawfish
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
oh no, this is a total cop out for a post
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
On the bright side, I also typed up my To Do list and have been admiring it ever since
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
i would like a weekend
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Orhan Pamuk's Snow
I suddenly realized earlier today that I love the book I'm currently reading. I mean, thus far. I’m only about three quarters done with it, and up until now, I thought I was just tolerating it. So much so that I leave it in my drawer at work and pick it up only at lunchtime. But it occurred to me suddenly that even on its simplest level, it's so thoughtful that it's scary.
Some of the books that are actually my favorites never make it to my Favorites list, which I fear may be dominated with general entertainment pieces that I happen to find well-written and/or bearing a vaguely significant message.
But some of the best books I’ve read, the most revealing or with the greatest value/truths involved, I don't know if I've really enjoyed reading. Or, maybe I just haven't noticed that I've enjoyed them. That’s… annoying of me.
NOTICE: that does not mean that all books I love for their entertainment value are meaningless to me, or that I neglect powerful/valuable books when speaking of my Favorites. I’m just saying I neglect some good ones because I’m too lazy to push myself to hear them speaking to me on a level other than WHOA, MAGICAL WORLD??!??!??! Or something.
Actually, I'm not entirely sure what it is I'm trying to get at, so don't hold me to any of this. I can't move my neck because I fell asleep mashed into the corner of the couch and woke with a start and in pain. So yet again I'm writing while sleepy and in this case, more concerned about regaining head/neck mobility.
To early Friday nights-
Thursday, April 7, 2011
too tired to come up with anything worthwhile

He learned that stomping his foot on the keyboard made the computer beep at him. He literally took this picture of himself. The dog, I mean, not Jeremy. Though he also is probably aware of the stomping thing.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
- Get home, get ready to run
- RUN run if we have energy, or else shamefully walk home after running as far as we can
- Get back to grossly hot apartments
- Someone go pick up the dog, someone make dinner (that's called teamwork)
- Eat dinner
- Jeremy does work things, I do other things and both must mind the puppy
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
ignore the yeaaah at the end
Monday, April 4, 2011
march 31 2011
- The innocence regarding snow storms- can be kind of irritating but typically accounts for many days off
- The remnant- there are still people here from college that I enjoy, including my brother
- Jeremy's football season- it had to grow on me, and it has major downsides, but watching him coach both amuses me and makes me proud (this probably isn't confined to Oklahoma though)
- Familiarity- people at Halal Mart and ZamZam and other various places know us, which is neat
- Rain storms are so rare that when they happen, it brightens my whole day
- The dirt is red. Weird yet cool.
- The sunsets are actually very incredible.
- Birds trying to fly south make it as far as Oklahoma and realize it's warm enough to hang out for a while and they are everywhere. Also weird yet cool.